Tuesday, August 7, 2012

A little catchup work

Hello world!

We've been busy.

Griffin Maxwell was born by C Section at Baptist Desoto Hospital on June 28.  He and Krissi both did great!   Here's more or less what went down, and hence what we've been up to.

Its funny the second time around.  When we had Piper, we didn't know what to expect - from anything really.  This time, we were focused on getting Krissi in good shape and getting the hell out of the hospital.  It was much quieter this time.  With Piper, there was a celebratory atmosphere - lots of flowers and balloons and visitors.  This time around we had family and some close friends, and I think a thing of flowers made it its way in the door, but it was altogether different.  It was no slight to Griffin I'm sure.  People just responded to #2 differently.

So the hospital stay, which was fairly short, was mostly uneventful.  We had a little bit of lazy nursing, which was unfortunate, but otherwise things went just fine.  We had the baby Thursday evening and I think we went home Saturday morning.

I gotta tell you, if Griffin and Krissi were the stars of this show, then Piper was Best Supporting Actress.  That kid has been nothing but sweet and affectionate to her brother.  Still, six weeks later, she showers him with kisses, and likes to talk to him and just loves him to death.

So we made it home.  We had a very busy house with Krissi's parents staying with us for a few days, and I'd taken two weeks off from work.

Griffin has been altogether different than Piper.  While Piper was content to hang out when she was not hungry or needing to be changed or whatnot, Griffin has been... a little more high maintenance.  Sometimes he eats every hour.  That's a poor way to phrase it.  A better way to phrase it is that sometimes there is less than an hour between the end of a feeding and the beginning of another.  So its sometimes worn Krissi down.     Griffin has had no fear of sharing his thoughts with us on the frequency of feedings and so forth.  With him there is no quiet baby crying, winding its way up into something major.  No, he goes directly to Screaming Bloody Murder.

But we're all still alive, and doing just fine.  This past week has been better - he's been checking out his surroundings and hanging out with us, listening to us talk to him or sing to him.   When I come home from work in the evenings, I've begun taking Piper and Griffin for a walk around the park out front, and giving Krissi a few minutes of quiet.

Lets see!

We've all been peed on, more than a few times.  We try to be smart and prepared about it, but we still get peed on.  Sometimes ninja-like, often at night:  we go to change him, remove the diaper, wipe him up good, turn around to get a new diaper, and then discover that at some point he has managed to pee all over his clothing and the changing table.  Fun!  He went through three outfits in one single night.

He's growing fast.  At his 1 month checkup he was already 9 pounds 10 ounces (when he was born he was 8 pounds).

And that's just about it for Griffin at the moment.   Piper starts Montessori  tomorrow.   I am absolutely thrilled, and absolutely terrified.  I am terrifically excited about her meeting new friends, and learning all sorts of things.  But my baby girl is growing right up.  She's going to be doing things without me!

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