Wednesday, August 12, 2009

It's so easy to fall in love

Looking at a little screaming baby as the nurses and staff are cleaning her up after delivery - as I've said here before - is a weird, surreal experience.

I can't speak for anyone but myself. While I certainly loved the baby that we met in the hospital, and then brought home with us, it's wild to keep falling in love.

I keep saying that she's "becoming a person", and I mean that we're seeing her personality. She laughs when we play with her, and it's AWESOME.

When a sequel to one of my favorite computer games came out recently, I figured I'd spend loads of time on it, but I found myself sitting there with Piper, playing games with her to make her laugh.

I find that I miss getting to interact with her in the morning if she's still asleep when I leave for work. So I love mornings like today, when she's awake, and we can get her to do that silly little laugh that she does.


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