Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Seven Weeks

Piper is seven weeks old, as of this past Friday.

Time flies.

Krissi and I are still sleeping on our couches. I don't know if I'd mentioned that here. When we came home from with our newborn, we slept in our bed, with Piper in a little cosleeper dealie between us. We quickly learned that while she would cry if we set her down on her back to sleep between us, if we held her while we slept, she'd sleep fine. We stayed in the bed for about two weeks I guess, before moving out to the couches. The couches made it easier on Krissi to get up and breast feed at night. And I still think like a seven year old sometimes, and so the novelty of slumber party in the living room was enough for me. And we've tried moving back to the bedroom once or twice, but with Piper still needing to eat a few times during the night the couches still work better. And we've completely spoiled her. She sleeps on one of us. Sometimes I'll set her on her back in the crook of my arm, other times she goes to sleep on one of us, stomach to stomach. I know- we're terrible people for letting her sleep not-on-her-back. You're welcome to come to my house and tend her while she cries.

Piper loves being sung to, or read to, or talked to. Sometimes (not all of the time) it will even quiet her if she's fussy. Over the weekend we threw in our They Might Be Giants, "No!" album, and sang to her, and she loved in. In fact, my heart nearly broke into a zillion pieces Sunday morning when we woke up at 8 and Piper was fussy, and I turned on the CD and started singing to her and she smiled and giggled like I was the funniest dude in the world. Oh man.

She's getting better and better about being aware of her surroundings. We can get fifteen minutes, sometimes more, out of the mobile above her crib, or the animals on her swing or activity mat. She's been either oblivious to them, or uninterested in them previously, but now she sees them, and sometimes smiles and makes noises at them. Inevitably though, she gets bored or frustrated or hungry and play time is over.

She'll make eye contact consistently, and watch you, whether during bath time, or on the changing table, or when just hanging out. She's just starting to respond to stimulus, turning her head to see you when you make noise to attract her attention.

She's still making little noises sometimes, not quite consistently yet. But it is mighty cute when she coos at one of us, or at a bright stuffed animal.

We've begun to outgrow some of our outfits, much to Krissi's chagrin.

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