Wednesday, March 25, 2009


We're at 39 weeks.

Dr. Whaley thinks that we're head up, which is disappointing, and sent us into a mild panicked frenzy. Krissi is working on Downward Dog type stuff right now.

She wants a head down vaginal birth, and is SO NOT interested in getting cut. But it is what it is. There's only so much that we can try to do at this point. At the end of the day, as long as we've got a healthy baby, either way will work fine for us.

Still, neither of us are excited about the prospect of a longer and more difficult recovery period associated with a C-section.

Keeping my fingers crossed though. Sometimes babies will turn, even at this stage.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Parental Advice Paradox

Hearing from other parents is often a strange paradox, because they seem to be sending two very different, seemingly incompatible, viewpoints.

"Oh! Having a child is a wonderful experience! It will change your life for the better! There's nothing in the world that is as fun and exciting!"

And then

"And you can kiss sleep goodbye. You won't have any free time for any of those hobbies that you love. They're wildly expensive. Sometimes I just got *so* stressed out."

I suppose both are equally valid and true, and apparently somehow compatible.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Counting Down

So I hate to keep popping in here to say that nothing is happening, and everything is proceeding as normal, but that's kindof the case.

Krissi is at about 36 weeks now. If she starts, they won't stop her.

We've got everything that we absolutely must have, plus some. We had the baby shower last weekend and it was fantastic. We got loads of stuff from a bunch of awesome people.

Krissi is just about done with being pregnant. She's recently started to get swelling in her feet and ankles. Her legs and back are sore. But she's been in great spirits all along, and coped really super well.

So, we're still here, counting down the days.